The Unofficial Guide to the Art of Jack T Chick Download

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 · 28 ratings  · viii reviews
Start your review of The Unofficial Guide to the Art of Jack T. Chick: Chick Tracts, Crusader Comics, & Battle Cry Newspapers
M.M. Strawberry Library & Reviews
Jack Chick himself was a lunatic with some really messed up behavior - I will never forget he strip he did where the kid became infected with herpes considering her parents pimped her out because they needed the money, and Dad raped her also, and and so the strip ended with the parents finding Jesus and getting away with these crimes scot-free. Even the doctor who the dad confesses the abuse to doesn't contact the police.

Plenty of Chick's other tracts stop similarly, with the main characters findin

Jack Chick himself was a lunatic with some actually messed upward beliefs - I volition never forget he strip he did where the child became infected with herpes because her parents pimped her out because they needed the money, and Dad raped her likewise, and then the strip ended with the parents finding Jesus and getting away with these crimes scot-costless. Fifty-fifty the doctor who the dad confesses the corruption to doesn't contact the police.

Enough of Chick's other tracts end similarly, with the main characters finding Jesus and praying to him and having their sins absolved. This collection is a fascinating view into Christianity done wrong, and should only be read for the lulz, or as a psychology study into the heed of a religios fanatic, or ameliorate even so, a combination of both, and it is under both of these lenses that I give this volume four stars.

Apr 27, 2019 rated it really liked information technology
If you grew upwardly in Baptist circles, you likely grew upward with Chick Tracts, those hundreds of different 22-page comic booklets that reduce all of Christendom to hell avoidance. Writer Kurt Kuersteiner is easily down the foremost authority on the late Jack Chick (who died in 2016 at the age of 92). Chick spent his life building the most influential secret comic series of all fourth dimension, printing over 800 million tracts in over 100 languages. Each tract is a stand-alone story that rallied for various f If you grew up in Baptist circles, you probable grew up with Chick Tracts, those hundreds of different 22-page comic booklets that reduce all of Christendom to hell avoidance. Author Kurt Kuersteiner is easily down the foremost authorisation on the late Jack Chick (who died in 2016 at the historic period of 92). Chick spent his life edifice the nearly influential underground comic series of all time, printing over 800 1000000 tracts in over 100 languages. Each tract is a stand-alone story that rallied for various fundamentalist pet topics such as exposing the evils of evolution, catholicism, homosexuality, and satanism (Halloween, Harry Potter, Idiot box shows similar Bewitched, etc.), and each concludes with a call for the reader to recite the sinner's prayer.

The "Art of Jack T. Chick" is an oversized book with lots of small print and then it took me quite a while to get through it all. It includes:
- LOTS of chick artwork
- Reasons to collect chick tracts
- Summaries of every tract along with estimated collector values
- Backstories of the scammers in Jack's life with their foreign evangelical conspiracy theories that securely influenced Jack's comics
- The author'south backstage tour of Chick Publications (where Kuersteiner was similar a kid in a candy shop)

Jack Chick was apparently a very gentle and private human, and simply a handful of Jack photographs exist. But Jack'southward defining feature was his full obsession with hell. By promoting hell to be the central bulletin, it becomes an infinity in the Christianity equation, canceling out all the other terms. Such an end tin justify any and all means. The Inquisitions publicly burned people alive, demonstrating their belief in hell to onlookers, and by it, the authority that they and God wielded. The clear, only unspoken message is that you tin can forget about love and truth, information technology'due south might that makes right, and then go with the program. In Chick's comics, hell takes the theological center stage, granting Chick the authority to printing his various theological positions and social commentaries as he goes virtually his evangelizing. Jack was distressed when he didn't receive detest mail, since that implied he was doing something wrong, for "Christ didn't come to bring peace, merely a sword" (p161).

Through television set and movies, audiences have get desensitized to horrific imagery over the last 40 years. But from reading posts online, it's clear that these comics left a lasting impression on Generation X/Y Baptist kids during their formative years. Here's an case from a 90s tract "No Fear?":

Sometimes at the final judgement, the comics show the damned pleading their case, but God only tells the person that they threw away the Chick Tract that could have saved them. In "SCREAM!" (2002), the comic shows a person burning live but miraculously survives. In the burn ward, a friend describes how much worse the hell that Jesus created (John 1:3) could exist for him. The tract ends with a warning to the reader: "You've read the story. You can't squirm out of this. You lot've got no excuse at present!".

Anyway, Kuersteiner has clearly dedicated a large portion of his life to the report of Chick and sharing his love for collecting the comics. This book is a reasonable purchase for those who desire to revisit their childhood indoctrination with adult understanding, or for those who take randomly encountered Chick tracts in public transportation, bathrooms, hospitals, etc. and are just curious to learn more.

Josef Ploski
I read this book cover to cover and every bit a Christian I establish information technology an interesting and wistful read. Yes, I had been exposed to Mr. Chick's work decades ago, but had forgotten most those frightening comics and images found within them, until I constitute this book at my library. I think subconsciously, the tracts I had seen at a young age effected me then that my own want for salvation is not one of running to to a God of dear, just away from a God of Wrath's penalisation.
Nearly all of JTC's work is base
I read this book cover to comprehend and as a Christian I plant it an interesting and contemplative read. Yes, I had been exposed to Mr. Chick'due south work decades ago, merely had forgotten about those frightening comics and images found inside them, until I establish this book at my library. I think subconsciously, the tracts I had seen at a young age effected me so that my own desire for salvation is not one of running to to a God of love, just away from a God of Wrath'southward punishment.
About all of JTC's work is based on fear of Hell, but information technology is said Jesus spoke almost Hell, Wrath, and Judgement more than any other topic. I merely in fact finished reading the parable of the 10 virgins and the bridegroom the night before finishing this book. In the old days of Charles Spurgeon all we seemed to hear from the pulpit was fire and brimstone and now the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction of but preach about Beloved and acceptance.
I would recommend this book for preachers, teachers and laypeople. Especially those who like me are searching for this God of Love and just tin find a God of judgement and wrath. This book would also exist a good tool to understand the mindset of people similar me and how to sympathise them in a biblical counseling enviornment.
Jan 29, 2020 rated it really liked information technology
A wonderfuk book virtually the evangelist cartoonist,
Jul xvi, 2009 rated it it was astonishing
Holy frijoles, where to even start with this one?

Take you lot e'er been on the train or on a charabanc and constitute one of those tiny comics that relate tales of horrible things happening to people every bit they either fall in line or cease up in the Lake of Fire depending upon whether or not they take Christ as their personal savior? Well if you lot take, it's a safe bet that the comic in question is the handiwork of Jack T.Chick, an Evangelist of incredible and dogged confidence who has devoted decades to writi

Holy frijoles, where to even start with this i?

Have y'all ever been on the train or on a autobus and found one of those tiny comics that chronicle tales of horrible things happening to people as they either fall in line or end up in the Lake of Fire depending upon whether or non they take Christ as their personal savior? Well if you lot have, it'south a safe bet that the comic in question is the handiwork of Jack T.Chick, an Evangelist of incredible and indomitable conviction who has devoted decades to writing and sometimes cartoon these comics — commonly referred to equally "tracts" — designed to win souls for the Lord.

Chick tracts are by no ways heavy literature and generally veer waaaaaay into laughable territory cheers to Chick'southward over-the-top betoken of view and wildly paranoid and largely irrational conspiracy theories, but there are many things nearly them that even irreverent, bound-for-the-Lake-of-Fire heathens like myself find absolutely priceless. I'thousand certainly not on the aforementioned theological folio as Chick and have swell offense at what he has to say on issues such every bit abortion and homosexuality, but I just can't get mad at the guy in the same mode I find myself set to describe and quarter the bulk of other evangelicals out in that location who knowingly prey upon the fears and insecurities of their flocks, fleecing them for all the cash they tin can get. Unlike those fucksticks, I genuinely believe that Chick is sincere in his intent, no matter how wrong-headed I may find much of what he says, and to order one of his tracts costs a mere fourteen cents, and then I'd say whoever buys i of them is getting more than their money's worth in terms of amusement and the possibility of being "saved" while reading.

THE UNOFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE ART OF JACK T. CHICK is well-nigh the nigh comprehensive overview of Chick's world and mission that one could ever promise for, and it has the added bonus of being written by a British convert to Chick-style Christianity who has a well-developed sense of humor that allows him to appreciate Chick tracts for the same reasons that I do, namely their in-your-face luridness, willful and smug ignoring of documented facts and unproblematic logic, unintentionally hilarious dialogue and plots, some involving the horrors of domestic violence, multiple examples of shameless homos on the loose (one of which featuring what looks like Pazuzu from THE EXORCIST hanging around in the groundwork, just behind a horny monk chasing a young boy down the street), fantasy office-playing games, child molestation and incest (with more random homos thrown in for extra offensiveness), drugs and alcohol, rock music, promiscuity, both straight and gay, that inevitably leads straight to total-blown AIDS, prison rape (that also leads straight to full-diddled AIDS), personal appearances past Satan himself, and watching BEWITCHED (which we are informed is Satan'due south favorite TV show), each showcasing art that varies between childishly simplistic (drawn by Chick himself) to some of the finest art always to grace a comics folio (the truly incredible piece of work of Fred Carter), hilarious ruminations on the Catholic church and several tracts that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that Chick is not an anti-Semite equally one might prejudicially look. Chick believes that since the Bible clearly states that the Jews are God'southward chosen people, that must absolutely be the case, so it'due south a good idea non to fuck with them (which doesn't stop Chick from throwing in appeals for the Jews to encompass Christ anyway on the terminal page of each of his Jew-related tracts)!

The volume covers the history of Chick Publications and its trials and tribulations (of which there were many, including the open disapproval of the Catholic church and death threats from gays) in exhaustive particular, and there's not a ho-hum sentence in all of its 224 pages. Along with the epic story of Chick'south personal struggles and unwitting duping by some of his so-called collaborators (aye, I'thousand talking almost yous, John Wayne Todd, Alberto Romero Rivera and Rebecca Dark-brown!) who turned out to be con-men, sex-offenders or delusional liars, we're also treated to a visit to Chick Publications itself and perhaps the book'due south strongest describe, an often hilarious and very comprehensive synopsis and critical assessment of every Chick tract ever issued, totaling a whopping 170! In other words, THE UNOFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE Fine art OF JACK T. CHICK is not simply a steal at its $29.95 in-store cover cost (or $22.76 on Amazon, but information technology's currently out of stock), it's a must have for both the reverent and the irreverent and I recommend it almost heartily.

Nov 24, 2011 rated it it was amazing
Kurt is THE undeniable authority when information technology comes to the mind-boggling intricacies of collecting, and making sense of the innumerable varieties of, Chick Tracts. His research, and fiendish devotion, take made the previously-unsurveyable landscape of all that is Chick decipherable and comprehensible.

No matter if you are a curious dabbler, or a hard-cadre collecting fanatic, this book holds something for everybody. A squeamish touch is that Kurt allows his wit to shine through on the various synopses maki

Kurt is THE undeniable dominance when it comes to the mind-boggling intricacies of collecting, and making sense of the innumerable varieties of, Chick Tracts. His research, and fiendish devotion, have made the previously-unsurveyable landscape of all that is Chick decipherable and comprehensible.

No matter if you are a curious dabbler, or a hard-core collecting fanatic, this book holds something for everybody. A nice impact is that Kurt allows his wit to shine through on the diverse synopses making them often more fun to read than the tracts herself. Keep it up MonsterWax! This is ane of those very rare must-accept bibles in its respective loonshit of collecting. Bravo!

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